Friday, January 6, 2012

Closing Overseas Military Bases Would Save America Millions (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama is again asking for permission to spend more taxpayer money and send America deeper into debt. Obama plans to request a debt ceiling increase of $1.2 trillion dollars, according to the Washington Post.

The supercommittee failed as many predicted and little has been done to reign in irresponsible governmental spending in the U.S. If approved, the nation's debt ceiling will increase to $16.4 trillion. Americans might once again be treated to hours and hours of rhetorical debate about raising the debt ceiling by members of both parties.

Liberals just cannot comprehend the fact entitlement programs have grown too costly and foster the enabling of millions of capable adults. Those who have always worked but have fallen on hard times will utilize the aid in the manner intended as a temporary means to provide food and shelter. Unfortunately a growing number of Americans look at public assistance not as transitional aid but as a lifelong career. Conservatives must hold the line on fiscal responsibility and do the job voters intended when sending them to Washington.

Republican presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul feel that closing overseas military bases to save money and better utilize troops inside America's borders is an issue worthy of discussion, according to Fox News. The U.S. operates approximately 700 full-scale foreign bases in 103 countries.

Closing unnecessary overseas military bases will not only save money, but provide trained personnel to protect our nation's borders. The Department of Defense publishes a report detailing the number of bases, military real estate holdings and personnel on an annual basis.

According to the 2011 report, the vast majority of overseas military bases exist in Germany, with a total of 194 military sites. There are 108 military sites in Japan and 82 in South Korea. A total of 4,825 overseas military barracks, air stations, research facilities and storage sites were reported in the 2011 included defense report. There are 1,818 Army, 958 Navy, 1,765 Air Force and 152 Marine facilities in foreign nations.

American safety would be far better served by boots on the ground at our borders than at a military facility in Jamaica or Bulgaria. Although some bases are necessary, the Cold War years are far behind us and mini-colonies on foreign soil are no longer needed to ensure the protection of the United States.


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